Autumn~Day 3

Autumn is a wonderful season to watch unfold.  I love the crispness in the air, the glorious colors of the leaves, and the harvest.

“The thankful


bears a plentiful


~William Blake

Each year, our family has always looked forward to apple picking; a tradition that both my daughters extended with their families.  This past fall, I went to visit my sister in the Shenandoah Valley and we went apple picking.  When I came home with my apples, I had enough for 18 jars of Apple Butter to enjoy through the winter!

As my scene progresses into this season, you can see I’ve focused on the harvest.  The leaves on the trees are turning a bit and there are bushel baskets and a wheel barrow full of apples.


Step One

I die cut the apple tree, twice, but only included a few apple laden branches and a 12-13 leaf branches.  I added the bushel baskets, loose apples, individual leaves, and the wooden sign–all from the same die set.  The wheel barrow is from another set and it, along with the baskets and sign were die cut twice each with Clear Double-sided adhesive on the back of Soft Finish White 85 lb card stock.


Step Two

Assemble the Stitched Ovals as in Steps Two and Three from Spring~Day 1.  You will notice the sky has darkened a bit with the cooler weather; I used PanPastels/Turquoise Shade from Set 3 and the grass has started to die back a bit. I used PanPastels/Orange Shade from Set 3 and Bright Yellow Green from Set 2.


Step Three

As the season changes, I’ve changed the coloring of my leaves for the trees.  This time, I used YG93 with a touch of PanPastels/Orange Shade from Set 3.


Step Four

Yes…I did color those tiny apples and leaves!  I used Copic Markers R29, E57, and YG93.  I should point out, that for everyone who does like to color and finds coloring pages so fascinating, die cutting on ECD’s Soft Finished White card stock and coloring those pieces (not having to stay within lines) gives you the same serene feeling:-D


Step Five

The wheel barrow and sign were shaded with various Ranger’s Distress Inks.  Typically, I like Walnut Stain, Frayed Paper, Weathered Wood and Vintage Photo.  The Bushel Baskets were colored with Copic Markers E19, E99, W4, W7, but you can color them as you like.


Step Six

Finally, my bird friend for Autumn is the Raven.  I colored this fella with Copic Markers W7, E89, and shaded his breast with PanPastels/Neutral Grey Shade from Set 3.

Now, doesn’t this scene just make you want to go out and pick apples this year!

Elizabeth Craft Designs (additional supplies):

Susan’s Garden Club

CountryScapes – Woods 3 (wheel barrow)

CountryScapes – Critters 1 (Raven)

206 thoughts on “Autumn~Day 3

  1. It is amazing to me how you can take one little tree die and make so many different amazing cards for each season. Love it

  2. Great job. Looking at these is so realistic. You can almost hear the birds singing, smell the flowers, taste the apples and feel the cold snow. LOVE IT!

  3. What a wonderful use of the perfect wheelbarrow die! And the added accent of the Copic marker bird in the tree makes the scene complete! Refreshing Fall design!

  4. GORGEOUS card and FABULOUS tutorial – LOVE IT ALL!!!
    The wheelbarrow and baskets under the apple tree remind me of special times staying with my Grandparents and enjoying apples fresh from the tree => AWESOME, THANK YOU for sharing 🙂

  5. I love all of Elizabeth Craft Designs products. I own quite a few dies and I make a lot of pop up cards. I adore Susan’s 4 seasons cards. So lovely. Susan has done a super job on these 4 cards. On this card her apples look so real and delicious. I love how the sky and tree looks so different in each cards. Her choice of color is excellent. She inspires me to use the same tree for so many different landscape. Her clouds look so real and makes her sky so beautiful. Your videos/tutorials are so easy to follow and inspiring, thank you for that. Well done, Jackie

  6. I grew up in SW Pennsylvania and I remember to Apple festivals, homemade apple butter, which I make from time to time, apple candy, apple everything! We would even carve apple head dolls! We would have to wait until the heads were dry and mom would put them in the attic for a month or two.
    The dolls would look so funny after that! Thank you for the lovely card and wonderful memory!

  7. I love the detail in this Fall card. I hope I’m lucky enough to be selected to win one. Thanks for promoting this give-away, making it possible for some lucky sole (hopefully me) to win one of your master pieces.

  8. What beautiful work you do! Your attention to detail as well as your verbal explaination all work together to make learning to craft a joy. This set would be lovely framed as a gift.

  9. My most favorite of all seasons and this card captures it all! Great looking crispy apples. Mmm, thy look so yummy!!

  10. Again, I’m amazed at the capturing this card has of fall. The apples with the sign reminds me of the roadside stands I remember from childhood. But, the crow screams fall! Another great season!

  11. I especially love this card. Autumn is my very favorite time of year. The beautiful colors and crisp air makes my soul sing…..

  12. This card reminds me the first time I visited my husband’s grandma. She was so sweet to welcome me to her garden and said to me: “All these apples are for you, take as much as you can” She taught me to do apple butter. She became my first friend in this country.

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